Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Random Somethings

I adore this photo....Its so precious. I wonder who took it!
I know some people really don't care what goes extinct or what is extinct. Why should they care? You should care because something precious this earth once held has perished forever. We can no longer appreciate it, we can no longer see it, and enjoy it. Why should you care? Ask yourself this. Why should we care after YOU leave?

These little critters are so adorable and on the brink of extinction! I've learned recently that they enjoy playing with each other or greeting each other by lightly biting each other on the snouts. But this has a bad advantage... :/ Their nerves have something genetically wrong with them and cause tumors or growths to appear on the Tasmanian Devil's mouth. This leads to starvation and ultimately death. Sadly we cannot reach wild Tasmanians but scientists are trying to find a cure for the devil's in captivity and eventually save the whole race of devils!


(sorry if I am unclear on this...The link below is to the page I read on it.)

Is it me or is that smiley-not-face creepy?

I want this bed! It'd be awesome. :] Can you imagine using a pickle as a pillow?

Yes we all know that lately there is a LOT more teen pregnancies. (Note the woman in this photo IS MARRIED). I hate it when teenage girls get pregnant and throw their dreams away because of it. The solution to the problem, ladies, is to keep your pants zipped up and your mind out of the gutter.

My mother was a teenager when she gave birth to me so she had to push aside her dreams to raise my sister and I. 18 years later, 33 years old, shes getting her life back on track and trying to raise me.

It would have been easier back then if she had waited to have us until she was married and out of school. Things are harder on us now but they have a brighter outlook.

Honestly. With teenagers they meet someone and say they're in love when only knowing that person for a short amount of time. Not only does it give teenagers a bad name but it makes us look like fools. It is ridiculous to state that your life is ending because little Johnny or Little Susie doesn't love you back. Grow up and wait until you're mentally and physically an adult before trying to find love. High school is NOT the halls of love. It's the halls of education and I'm tired of seeing teens barely out of their childhood sticking tongues down each others necks.

I admit that in my freshmen year I "fell in love" with a senior. I admit that I kissed him here and there in the hallways. I regret it. I truly do. Not only did we break up a month later but I lost track of my education and was held back the next year. Thank God I didn't lose my virginity in high school. That's something I'm proud of.

Definitions of Love for Confused Teenagers:

Love is not kissing someone you met a week a go.

Love is not obsessing over someone.

Love is knowing someone longer than a year or two and seeing a future with them.

Love is knowing you don't have to worry what they're doing and knowing they care about you.

(If you see one of your photos here, let me know immediately so I can either credit you or take it down. Thank you!)

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